Travelling to new destinations is always an exciting adventure, filled with unique experiences and memories. One of the best parts of a holiday is bringing a piece of that adventure back home with you. We recently asked our Facebook community what souvenirs they love to bring home from their travels, and we were thrilled to receive 308 responses! Here are the top six results, along with some insights into why these items are cherished by many.

1. Fridge Magnet/s (47.5%)

Fridge magnets are the undisputed favourite among our respondents, with nearly half of them choosing this classic souvenir. These small, colourful magnets often depict famous landmarks, local wildlife, or cultural symbols of the places visited. They are affordable, easy to pack, and make a great visual reminder of past travels. Every time you open the fridge, you can reminisce about the places you’ve been and the experiences you’ve had. Plus, they’re a fun way to start a conversation with guests who notice them.

2. Towel/Tea Towel (7.5%)

Tea towels and towels are practical souvenirs that bring a touch of your travels into everyday life. These items often feature local designs, such as traditional patterns, famous landmarks, or regional flora and fauna. Using a tea towel from a memorable trip while cooking or a towel that reminds you of a relaxing beach holiday can evoke pleasant memories and make mundane tasks more enjoyable. They are also lightweight and easy to pack, making them a convenient choice for travellers.

3. Keyring (6.4%)

Keyrings are another popular choice for travellers. They are small, portable, and can be easily attached to your keys, bags, or even used as decorative pieces. Keyrings often showcase miniature versions of famous monuments, local symbols, or humorous designs related to the destination. Carrying a keyring from a special trip can serve as a daily reminder of your adventures and the places you’ve explored.

4. Memories (2.9%)

While not a physical object, memories ranked high among the responses. Many holidaymakers believe that the best souvenirs are the experiences and moments they cherish from their trips. From breathtaking views and delicious meals to unique cultural experiences and newfound friendships, these intangible souvenirs are priceless. Memories can be captured in photographs, journal entries, or simply remembered fondly, and they often hold more personal significance than any physical item.

5. Sunburn/Suntan (2.6%)

Bringing home a sunburn or suntan might not be everyone’s idea of a perfect souvenir, but for some, it represents the time spent soaking up the sun on a beautiful beach or exploring a sunny destination. A tan can be a visible reminder of a relaxing holiday, though it’s always important to protect your skin with sunscreen. While a sunburn is less desirable, it can still be a (hopefully) humorous memento of a trip spent outdoors.

6. Christmas Bauble / Christmas Decorations (2.6%)

Christmas baubles and decorations are unique souvenirs that add a festive touch to holiday memories. Collecting these items allows travellers to create a personalised and meaningful holiday decor collection over the years. Each decoration can remind you of a different trip and bring back fond memories every holiday season. Whether it’s a hand-painted ornament from a European market or a quirky decoration from a tropical destination, these souvenirs are cherished by many.