When it comes to travel, everyone has their favourite destinations that they long to revisit. But what about those places that didn’t quite hit the mark? Recently, we asked our community a thought-provoking question: “What is one destination that you will NEVER visit again?” With over 200 responses, the answers were both varied and insightful, highlighting some unexpected choices.

While every travel experience is unique, some destinations seem to have left a negative impression on more than a few of our respondents. Here’s a breakdown of the top places that travellers said they’d never go back to and a brief description of each destination.

1. Tunisia – 20.9%

Leading the pack in our poll is Tunisia, with 20.9% of respondents saying they wouldn’t go back. This North African gem is renowned for its beautiful Mediterranean beaches, ancient Roman ruins, and bustling souks. However, some travellers found the cultural differences challenging to navigate, mentioning concerns about safety, cleanliness, and overly persistent vendors in tourist areas. While Tunisia’s unique charm and history attract many, it seems some visitors felt their experience didn’t live up to expectations.

2. Turkey – 17.1%

Turkey, with its rich history, vibrant markets, and superb coastlines, is a country that straddles both Europe and Asia. From the magical landscapes of Cappadocia to the cosmopolitan city of Istanbul, Turkey has something for every traveller. However, 17.1% of respondents said it wasn’t for them. Common complaints included issues with aggressive street hawkers, overcrowded tourist spots, and occasional misunderstandings due to cultural differences. Though Turkey is often praised for its beauty and history, it seems not everyone is always enamoured with their experience.

3. England – 9.3%

England is known for its iconic landmarks, charming countryside, and a blend of history and modernity. From the world-famous cityscape of London to the picturesque villages of the Lake District, England offers a variety of experiences. Yet, 9.3% of our respondents stated they would not return to where they visited in the UK. Reasons included the high cost of travel, notoriously unpredictable weather, and occasional dissatisfaction with the customer service where they stayed. While England remains a popular destination as a whole, it seems not everyone enjoys where they end up on a staycation.

4. Spain – 7.8%

Spain, with its diverse regions, world-class cuisine, and sunny beaches, is often considered a top destination for holidaymakers. Whether it’s the artistic streets of Barcelona, the historic charm of Seville, or the relaxing beaches of Costa del Sol, Spain has a lot to offer. However, 7.8% of respondents felt differently, citing reasons such as crowded tourist spots, a rise in petty theft in major cities, and occasionally unwelcoming attitudes towards tourists. While Spain is beloved by many, some travellers felt it was a one-time experience.

5. Egypt – 6.2%

Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs, with its majestic pyramids, ancient temples, and the sprawling Sahara, still remains a must-visit for many history enthusiasts. Despite its allure, 6.2% of respondents shared they wouldn’t return to this historic country. Issues raised included dealing with the intense heat, being hassled by street vendors and guides, and concerns about safety in certain areas. Although Egypt’s wonders are undeniably breathtaking, the overall travel experience did not leave a positive mark on everyone.


It’s fascinating to see how diverse travel experiences can be. While one traveller might fall in love with a destination, another might find it lacking. Our poll reflects this variety of opinions, showing that travel is truly a subjective experience. Just because a destination didn’t win everyone’s heart doesn’t mean it won’t capture yours!

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