Another week is almost over, which can only mean one thing… our travel news round-up!

This week’s mix of stories features everything from home comforts, avoiding people on holiday and a Parisian hotel that allows guests to pay whatever they like! Read on for everything you need to know.

Euro Having a Laugh

It may prove to be a costly decision but one hotelier in Paris is allowing guests to pay whatever they want to for their hotel room. The owner of the three-star Tour d-Auvergne in the central Opera area of the city is running the promotion up until August 10th, in an attempt to attract more visitors to his hotel. Guests will be able to pay as little as €1 per night for a room (usually costing €190), although the brave owner is hoping people will pay a fairer amount.

Euro by Dennis Skley via Flickr

Holiday Essentials You (Mar)Mite not Want to Forget

How much do you miss your home comforts whilst away on holiday? According to a recent survey a quarter of Brits like to be reminded of home when abroad with many people buying food and drink to take with them. Over 40 per of those asked said they missed a good old cup of English tea, while chocolate, crisps and Marmite are also popular. The home comforts don’t stop there though as almost one in five people admit to packing their own toilet roll!

Marmite by Stuartpilbrow via Flickr

Hawaii Fly-No

A delayed flight can often be a bit of a nightmare. But over 200 passengers who were scheduled to fly back from Hawaii to New Zealand this week might just disagree. That’s because the ‘unlucky’ travellers were forced to stay on the picturesque island for two extra nights due to a faulty plane. After travelling to the airport on three separate occasions, only to be turned away, the stranded passengers were also given £500 in compensation each.

Hawaii beach by Alicia0928 via Flickr

A Loo With a View

Guests at a newly opened hotel in Berlin may want to think twice about using the loo. That’s because the toilet facilities at the tenth floor restaurant in the 25hours Hotel Bikini Berlin have been placed next to huge floor-to-ceiling windows. The hotel has fantastic views out over Berlin Zoo; however it seems to be the people inside the hotel that are getting the most attention. Rumour has it staff at the hotel are trying to get to the bottom (sorry!) of why it was designed this way.

Toilet sign by Mr Thinktank via Flickr

It’s a Small World

For many of us, a holiday is all about getting away from it all, but a new survey has revealed that three-quarters of us actually see someone we know whilst away. People travelling to Spain and France are most likely to bump into an acquaintance, while one in 20 of us have come across an old boss. We Brits aren’t always the friendliest though, as a massive 23 per cent of people asked admitted to trying to avoid the person they knew.

Men on beach by Tony Alter via Flickr

Would you avoid someone you knew if you saw them on holiday? Join in the conversation on Facebook and Twitter.

Holiday Deals

Images: Helen Emery, Dennis Skley, Stuartpilbrow, Alicia0928, Mr Thinktank & Tony Alter via Flickr.